Building savings is essential, but it can be easier said than done. Maybe you never have any extra cash to save. Or perhaps extra money doesn’t always make it into your savings account — or... Read more
Do you earn upwards of six figures or more? For high earners, solely focusing on budgeting may not be the most effective strategy. As income levels rise, the principles of personal finance e... Read more
Set aside money for the home, but don’t neglect other goals You’ve calculated how much you can afford to pay for a home, pulled together funds for a down payment, and applied for... Read more
Make sure your budget is realistic and keeps your long-term goals in mind Building a smart budget is only helpful if you actually follow through with it. But that can be easier said than don... Read more
Here are five ways having a financial plan can help you. Most of us know we should save money. But when it comes to actually doing it, people tend to fall into two camps: non-planners and pl... Read more
Following a family budget is challenging, especially when unexpected costs pop up, but staying flexible will help. When Tom Snyder coaches people in his church about how to budget, he starts... Read more
Prices are climbing, so keep your wits about you Summer is the season where it’s especially tempting to throw your budget out the window. Many people are seemingly planning to do just... Read more
Prepare for the New Year by reviewing and enhancing your credit score through timely payments and a balanced credit mix. Additionally, prioritize financial planning by setting goals, managin... Read more
Even if you start small, saving will eventually make a difference in your overall financial situation Saving money is all too easy to push off. After all, those are funds you’re stashi... Read more
Consistently making payments on time plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy credit score as it reflects sound financial behaviour. Keep credit utilisation within limits. Maintain... Read more